Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WS 2019/20 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024
  • Funktionen:
Software-Sicherheit    Sprache: Englisch    Belegpflicht
Nr.:  7435     Vorlesung/Praktikum     WS 2019/20     4 SWS     Jedes Semester    
   Master-Studiengang: Masterstudiengang Informatik    
      Profil IN-Spiele, Abschluss 90,   ( 1. - 2. Semester ) - ECTS-Punkte : 5     - Kategorie : Wahlfach    
  Profil IN-Künstliche Intelligenz und Autonme Rob., Abschluss 90,   ( 1. - 2. Semester ) - ECTS-Punkte : 5     - Kategorie : Wahlfach    
  Profil IN-IT-Sicherheit, Abschluss 90,   ( 1. - 2. Semester ) - ECTS-Punkte : 5     - Kategorie : Wahlpflichtfach    
  Informatik, Abschluss 90,   ( 1. - 2. Semester ) - ECTS-Punkte : 5     - Kategorie : Wahlfach    
   Zugeordnete Lehrpersonen:   Eggendorfer verantwortlich ,   Inan begleitend
   --- Keine Veranstaltungstermine bekannt ---
   Inhalt: - Attacking web applications
* HTML-Injection
* Request forgery
* Cookie tampering
* HTML tampering
* PHP-injection
* Shell-injection
* SQL-Injection
* Session-Surfing / Hijacking
* ...
- Attacking compiled programmes
* Buffer overflow
+ Stack Overflow
+ Heap overflow
+ Heap spraying
* Format-String-vulnerabilities
* Off-By-One
* ...
- More general attacks
* Random number generators
* Race Conditions
* ...
   Literatur: - Koziol et al., The Shellcoder's Handbook, Wiley, 2004
- Erickson, Forbidden Code, mitp, 2004
- Hoglund, McGraw, Explointing Software, Addison Wesly, 2003
   Lernziele: In this lecture participants will learn how software (in)securities are exploited and how to prevent their exploitation.
By analysing typical security issues of both web applications and desktop applications, participants will be able to utilise security issues in modern programmes to leverage functionality not intended by the original programmer.
The course is thought as blended learning, with theoretical background being covered via Moodle as an elearning course, whereas the practical aspects will be thought in labs in real life.
The course is thought in English.
   Voraussetzungen: To participate in this course, a bachelor of computer science is a requirement.
To take full advantage of this course, programming skills in C, Assembler and a scripting language such as PHP are useful, as well as an understanding of SQL and the Bash.
Most of the Assembler, C and PHP needed in this course are however easy to understand and should probably be self explanatory to anyone with programming skills.
   Leistungsnachweis: benotet K90
   Module: Software-Sicherheit (IN-ITS)